Xerox today announced that IDC, a leading technology research firm, placed Xerox’s enterprise-level managed print service – Xerox Office Services – as the market leader in the IDC European Managed Print Services Leadership Grid*.
The economic climate is forcing companies to look for significant reductions to their cost base. Managed print services is an often overlooked area for cost cutting because responsibility sits between departments, without central ownership. However, despite the economic downturn, IDC projects the managed print services market to be a $7.2 billion European opportunity by 2011. This is because managed print is a largely untapped area with huge cost-saving potential.
At its recent IDC event held in London, and hosted in partnership with Xerox, IDC urged over 50 international enterprises to understand their existing total cost of ownership of office printing. “Few companies track printing-related activities so they have no concept of the long term cost savings that could be derived from a managed print service,” said Phil Sargeant, Research Manager, European Imaging Hardware Devices and Document Solutions, IDC. “A managed print service ensures all costs are closely monitored, providing transparency into a company’s printing behaviour. It is this insight that helps drive the efficiency of printing and imaging activities and ultimately, translates into cost savings that can impact the bottom line.”
Xerox Office Services consists of a set of document experts, technology tools and document processes. It involves assessing organisations’ existing print requirements, fine-tuning their print requirements for optimum performance, and then managing infrastructure – regardless of the manufacturer or device type. The Xerox managed service is delivered through a shared European service delivery centre in Dublin, Ireland to provide change management support, clear governance and proactive monitoring of the customers’ fleet of devices. All this is wrapped up in a flexible utility-type pricing model, which simplifies and gives transparency to the billing process.
“We believe that being categorised as the market leader in the IDC European Managed Print Services Leadership Grid is testament to our team’s vision, dedication and commitment to providing best in class service,” said Peter Romaine, Director and General Manger, Xerox Global Services, Xerox UK. “With Xerox Office Services, companies can lower print-related costs, increase office productivity across multiple print platforms, and ensure that the impact of doing this has a positive impact on the environment. Xerox is the only service provider to guarantee cost savings of at least 20 per cent – and in the current economic climate this can amount to substantial financial savings.”
Xerox has successfully delivered managed print service solutions to more than 5000 organisations worldwide. Companies that have benefited from Xerox Office Service include Nokia, Proctor & Gamble Company, Reuters, Sheffield Teaching Hospital, Sun Micosystems Information Technology and QinetiQ.
*Source: ‘Managed Print Services: Tackling the Last Frontier in Sustantially Cutting IT Spend’, IDC, 2009; Authors: Jacqueline Hendricks and Phil Sargeant. For a copy of the whitepaper, please visit
About the IDC leadership grid for European managed print services
The IDC leadership grid for European managed print services shows where market players are positioned in terms of their ability to gain market share due to the completeness of their solutions among other aspects and their ability to address market opportunity or customer requirement. Taking into account both its ability to supply market demand and the robustness of the company in terms of financial standing, partnerships, service capabilities and other factors, Xerox provides the most comprehensive managed print services solutions.
IDC definition of managed print services
IDC defines a "managed service" as "the set of services and solutions provided by a third party on a multi-annual basis, at an agreed cost, and against a set of agreed services levels". Generally, managed print services are provided onsite by a third party, and are more than just a repair service or lease. They include upfront assessment, ongoing asset management, preventative maintenance, device upgrades, device moves, supplies replenishment, and equipment additions if and when needed, and can even extend to mail and distribution services.
The most effective managed printer service providers are those that can manage all brands of machines — whether printers, copiers, faxes, scanners or MFPs and from small mobile printers to large production machines — under one contract and one simple billing system.
Monitoring and managing a managed print service can be as simple or involved as an organisation wants. As all machines are monitored and all activities are recorded, the level of information that can be supplied can be anything from a top-level summary to a granular report (for example, including downtime incidents, paper jams, supplies replenishment per machine and per location). Most MPS customers require monthly reports on volumes. Reports on cost savings, service level achievements and other aspects of the service should be available at the touch of a button.
Despite an all-encompassing definition for MPS, very few service providers are capable of offering the full package; they specialise in certain areas of MPS according to their skills.
About Xerox UK
Xerox UK, the UK operation of Xerox Corporation, markets a comprehensive range of Xerox products, solutions and services, as well as associated supplies and software. Its offerings are focused on three main areas: offices from small to large, production print and graphic arts environments, and services that include consulting, systems design and management, and document outsourcing.
Xerox also has manufacturing and logistics operations in Ireland, the UK and the Netherlands, and a research and development facility (Xerox Research Centre Europe) in Grenoble, France. For more information visit,
Xerox is a trademark of Xerox Corporation. All non-Xerox brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Prices, features, specifications, capabilities, appearance and availability of Xerox products and services are subject to change without notice.
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Media Contacts:
Judith Schunke, Xerox Europe, +44 (0)1895 842 877,
Claire Jones, Trimedia Ltd, +44 (0)20 7025 7593,