UXBRIDGE -- Xerox and Stora Enso today announced a new range of co-branded digital packaging boards for the state-of-the-art Xerox iGen3 digital production press. The packaging board selection, produced by Stora Enso, includes Ensocoat, Ensogloss and Tambrite boards, which have been tested and approved for iGen3 use by Xerox. These products make it possible to use digital printing for a number of new graphic arts and packaging applications and will be distributed in Europe by Xerox Document Supplies.

The smoothness, whiteness and brightness of Ensocoat and Ensogloss surfaces provide excellent print results in both offset and electrophotography printing processes. The grammages tested for the Xerox iGen3 are 250 gsm, 300 gsm and 350 gsm. Tambrite is a fully coated folding boxboard (GC2) with cream reverse. Its grammages for iGen3 are 225 gsm and 275 gsm. Xerox supplies the boards in special iGen3 sheet sizes of 364 x 521 mm and 364 x 571 mm.

"This announcement, from two market leading companies, makes possible a wealth of new digital packaging printing applications and further enhances the appeal of the Xerox iGen3 digital production press." says Wim Koning, Go to Market Manager iGen3, Xerox Europe. "Digital printing enables short lead times, cost-effective short runs and personalisation of packages. Each package can contain different information, for example individual codes for item-level identification."

"Today, the print result from digital printing corresponds to offset and with the possibility of using online varnishing the way is now opened for digital printing in packaging applications." says Tom Carne, Product Manager, Stora Enso Graphical Boards. "The Ensocoat and Ensogloss boards are used for graphics products, cosmetics and other high-quality packaging. Tambrite is aimed at the general packaging and pharmaceuticals packaging markets, which clearly have a need for new digital printing and packaging solutions."

About Xerox

Xerox markets a comprehensive range of Xerox products, solutions and services, as well as associated supplies and software. Its offerings are focused on three main areas: offices from small to large, production print and graphic arts environments, and services that include consulting, systems design and management, and document outsourcing.

Xerox supports The New Business Of Printing strategy by providing the largest portfolio of state-of-the-art digital products, solutions and services in the industry, integrated streamlined and efficient workflow solutions and a suite of business development tools that help customers to achieve sustained long-term growth. In the changing world of print, these three elements enable customers to improve business performance and productivity to ensure they uncover more ways to profit.

Xerox Graphic Arts Premier Partners is a Xerox-sponsored, global community of leading-edge graphic arts service providers. Xerox provides tools, resources, and knowledge to its members to grow their revenues and profits, develop their capabilities and to further expand their businesses.

By working with Premier Partners, customers are assured of high quality print services from best-of-breed companies equipped with the latest technology.

For more information on the Xerox Premier Partner network, please visit www.xerox.com/xpp

Xerox also has manufacturing and logistics operations in Ireland, the UK and Holland, and a research and development facility (Xerox Research Centre Europe) in Grenoble, France. For more information visit, www.xerox.com

Xerox is a trademark of Xerox Corporation. All non-Xerox brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Prices, features, specifications, capabilities, appearance and availability of Xerox products and services are subject to change without notice.
Media Contacts:
Robert Corbishley, Xerox Europe, tel: +44 (0) 1895 843 239, email: robert.corbishley@xerox.com

Laura Lynne, Trimedia Harrison Cowley (on behalf of Xerox UK), tel: +44 (0)207 400 5584, email: Xerox@trimediahc.com

About Stora Enso
Stora Enso is an integrated paper, packaging and forest products company, producing publication and fine paper, packaging board and wood products - all areas in which the Group is a global market leader. Stora Enso's sales totalled EUR 14.6 billion in 2006. The Group has some 44 000 employees in more than 40 countries. Stora Enso has an annual production capacity of 16.5 million tonnes of paper and board. Stora Enso's shares are listed in Helsinki, Stockholm and New York.

Stora Enso Media Contact:
Sanna Heiskanen, Stora Enso Packaging Boards, Consumer Boards
Tel: +358 2046 23440, email: sanna.heiskanen@storaenso.com