Uxbridge, U.K., 15th September 2011 – Clipper Round the World Yacht Race organisers, Clipper Ventures, is working with its global business partner, Xerox to deliver personalised high-quality multi-lingual print materials for audiences on five continents.
Marketing collateral, crew newsletters, race maps, skipper profiles and other global printed materials comprise thousands of documents required by Clipper Ventures to put on the longest global ocean event of its kind. Its partnership with Xerox, a world leader in document management, gives Clipper Ventures more flexibility in printing materials when it needs them and, with the help of XMPie® software, tailoring them to specific audiences – saving time and money while enhancing response rates.
 “Before working with Xerox, Clipper Ventures used long, off-set print runs, which meant stacks of documents that we couldn’t amend or update once they were printed. Xerox is now delivering our documents on demand. That means we can keep race materials up-to-date – and even personalise them – so we have a greater impact on our audiences.” Jonathan Levy, Director of Business Development, at Clipper Ventures said.
To personalise materials for events associated with the race, Xerox uses XMPie technology. XMPie, a Xerox company, provides software that allows businesses to create and manage personalised cross-media campaigns so they can produce highly targeted marketing materials, from printed documents to personal URLs, that increase response rates. The average XMPie campaign sees an increase of 52% in response.
“To put on a yacht race that spans the globe, Clipper Ventures needs to oversee a number of different challenges – from training to tempests to all kinds of communications. With our best-in-class document management, Xerox is helping Clipper navigate the seas of documents it needs to produce,” said Darrell Minards, head of Marketing Communications, Xerox Europe. “We’re delivering personalised materials when they’re needed, in the  language required, in the timeframe necessary to reduce waste and save Clipper money. As a partner to Clipper Ventures, we’re demonstrating Xerox’s capabilities and showcasing our brand around the world.”      
Xerox will print the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race materials on its world-leading digital printing presses, such as the Xerox iGen4® Press and the Xerox Colour 1000 Press, in 14 locations around the world.
Sir Robin Knox-Johnston, the first man to sail solo and non-stop around the world established the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race 15 years ago. The race will set off from Southampton on 31 July. It will last for nearly a year with 15 stopovers over six continents.

About Xerox UK
Xerox UK, the UK operation of Xerox Corporation, markets a comprehensive range of Xerox products, solutions and services, as well as associated supplies and software.  Its offerings are focused on three main areas: offices from small to large, production print and graphic arts environments, and services that include consulting, systems design and management, and document outsourcing. Through ACS, A Xerox Company, which Xerox acquired in February 2010, Xerox also offers extensive business process outsourcing and IT outsourcing services, including data processing, HR benefits management, finance support, and customer relationship management services for commercial and government organisations worldwide.
Xerox also has manufacturing and logistics operations in Ireland, the UK and the Netherlands, and a research and development facility (Xerox Research Centre Europe) in Grenoble, France.  For more information visit, http://www.xerox.com
Xerox® is a trademark of Xerox Corporation. All non-Xerox brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Prices, features, specifications, capabilities, appearance and availability of Xerox products and services are subject to change without notice.
The Clipper Race
Clipper 11-12 will be the eighth edition of the biennial event operated by Clipper Ventures Plc. The race was established by Sir Robin Knox-Johnston to give everyone, regardless of sailing experience, the opportunity to experience the exhilaration of ocean racing. More than 500 people representing more than 40 nations will compete in Clipper 11-12. The only qualification for the race is the minimum age of 18 – there is no upper age limit.
About Clipper Ventures Plc
More than 40 years have gone by since Sir Robin Knox-Johnston's record breaking solo and non-stop circumnavigation in 1968-69. Now, as Chairman of Clipper Ventures Plc, he is at the forefront of promoting round the world yacht racing. Clipper Ventures, the marine events company founded in 1995, is focused on developing and promoting major events capable of attracting significant participation, income, media coverage and associated sponsorship revenue. Sir Robin founded the company on the premise that sailing should be made available to everyone, creating the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race in which anyone, regardless of age or experience, can take part. More than 2,000 people have now competed in the seven races to date. The company also owns the rights to the VELUX 5 OCEANS race and runs successful events and training divisions.
For further information log onto www.clipperroundtheworld.com
For media information or interviews please contact:
Heather Ewing, Senior Communications Manager, Clipper Ventures Plc
Tel: +44 (0) 2392 526000, Mobile: +44 (0) 7792 408695