Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust rolled out Xerox Services for Digital Patient to transform its patient healthcare experience. Through the seven-year agreement, clinicians can securely access over 800,000 online records, enabling efficient treatment at the point of care.

By digitising medical records, Xerox Services for Digital Patient improves care coordination amongst Trust clinicians and patients. Multiple teams can review medical histories simultaneously while ensuring compliance. Clinicians spend less time updating documentation and more time seeing patients – whether physically or virtually – which improves the flow in and out of hospitals.

Xerox’s Future of Work research shows that 62% of healthcare organisations are allocating additional budget towards technology, and a further 38% are expediting digital transformation plans as a result of the pandemic. The NHS is investing in technology, including additional screens, iPads, laptops and phones to support doctors/GPs so that they can access records where needed.

“Having instant access to a patient’s medical records is essential to delivering the highest quality care in a timely manner,” said Josh Chandler, associate director of IT, at Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. “Xerox Services for Digital Patient reduces the time to diagnosis and treatment, improving the patient experience and potentially saving lives.”

Xerox started work on the project before the pandemic hit but rapidly escalated timeframes in light of the virus. The Paediatrics department went live first in September 2020, so outpatient clinics had access to digital records. Roll-out will continue across other departments over the next 9-12 months as demand for virtual appointments increases. Xerox’s Heath Records Automation, a key enabler of the service, won Health Tech Digital’s Best Innovation project of the year award in October 2020.

“Fast-evolving patient expectations, government regulations and technological innovations pose new challenges to healthcare organisations big and small,” said Alexis Rufus, general manager for public sector at Xerox UK and Ireland. “With digitalisation and automation technologies, healthcare providers can address pandemic-induced cost pressures, simplify back-office tasks, speed telemedicine adoption, and better communicate with patients.”

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