UXBRIDGE - Innovation is critical to the future success of the UK economy, and this year's Made in Brunel [MiB] event which showcases innovations created by Brunel University design and engineering students indicates that the UK is still a hot bed of creative talent. This year saw Xerox recognise three Brunel students whose designs displayed an inventive and pioneering approach to solving a real-world problem with its Xerox Innovation Award. Over 250 outstanding entries covering almost every aspect of modern day living were submitted for this year's award.

The overall winner of the prestigious Xerox Innovation Award at MiB was Chris Holloway who impressed the judges with his revolutionary proposition to change a bicycle design that has not fundamentally changed in nearly 100 years. Two runners up prizes were awarded to James Bartlett for his water chlorination design and Norah Lewis for her 'Fumee' bee equipment for bee keepers project.

Les Wynn, manager of industrial design and human factors, Xerox Europe presented the awards and commented: "Innovation is not only the lifeblood of our business but is also essential for any successful economy. Xerox has a long heritage of investing in innovation and our involvement with Made in Brunel allows us to recognise the most innovative students. The winning design was particularly well received by the judges because of its originality and challenge to accepted thinking."

Winner of the Made in Brunel Xerox Innovation Award 2010:

Chris Holloway's 'Link gear system' for bicycles offers a completely new way to change gear. The system uses one single sprocket to give different ratios for changing gear rather than the traditional system that uses a number of sprockets and drags the chain. The design can significantly improve performance, making it ideal for the professional race setting.

Chris is 21, from Kent and is studying Industrial Design Bsc


James Bartlett's 'BlueDrop' water chlorination design.

This water chlorination technology addresses a significant real world problem. Approximately 1.1 billion people do not have access to safe drinking water. Adding chlorine is a cheap, safe and effective method of disinfecting dirty water, making it suitable for human consumption. However its use is still problematic due to expensive equipment and inaccurate mixing. This design tackles these issues by using just three simple and easy to manufacture components, making it a simple and highly cost effective solution.

James is 23, from Oxfordshire and is studying Industrial Design Bsc

Norah Lewis' 'Fumee' equipment for bee keepers.

Colony Collapse Disorder CCD is a generalised term used to describe the recent phenomenon of thousands of bee colonies dying out without an underlying or recognisable cause. The economic contribution that all species of bees make to worldwide agriculture through insect pollination is estimated to be worth $90 billion annually. In the event that bees continue dying in such vast numbers, markets and agriculture will suffer inordinately, on an enormous scale. Fumee is a redesign of the smoker - a key piece of beekeeping equipment - focused on ergonomics, anthropometrics and other human factors relevant to the members of the target market.

Norah is 21, from Brighton and is studying Industrial Design and Technology BA

Clive Gee, Director of Development and Alumni Relations at Brunel University said: "The standard of student projects this year has been simply breathtaking. The theme of this year's show was 'innovation that works' and many of the ideas and products designed by our graduating students will undoubtedly go on to help shape the future. It's inspiring to see our latest generation of graduates pushing the boundaries of accepted thinking, and it is great that this is being recognised by such as renowned innovator as Xerox."

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About Xerox UK
Xerox UK, the UK operation of Xerox Corporation, markets a comprehensive range of Xerox products, solutions and services, as well as associated supplies and software. Its offerings are focused on three main areas: offices from small to large, production print and graphic arts environments, and services that include consulting, systems design and management, and document outsourcing. Through ACS, A Xerox Company, which Xerox acquired in February 2010, Xerox also offers extensive business process outsourcing and IT outsourcing services, including data processing, HR benefits management, finance support, and customer relationship management services for commercial and government organisations worldwide.
Xerox also has manufacturing and logistics operations in Ireland, the UK and the Netherlands, and a research and development facility (Xerox Research Centre Europe) in Grenoble, France. For more information visit, www.xerox.com
Xerox is a trademark of Xerox Corporation. All non-Xerox brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Prices, features, specifications, capabilities, appearance and availability of Xerox products and services are subject to change without notice.

About Brunel University
Brunel is a world-class university based in Uxbridge, West London. Founded in 1966, its distinctive approach has always been to combine academic rigour with a practical, entrepreneurial and imaginative method. The university’s namesake is the famous Victorian engineer Isambard Kingdom Brunel.

About Made in Brunel
Made in Brunel represents some of the best graduating design and engineering talent and projects in the UK. Now in its fifth year, Made in Brunel held it’s biggest exhibition to date across three days at the Business Design Centre in London from the 8th – 10th June 2010.

The show has become the destination for consumers, producers and service providers who understand that innovation allied with good engineering and design is a vital function of our lives. It attracts people from across the industry spectrum, whether product or service focused, wanting to meet the young innovators creating our future. Alongside this the Show also produces a professionally published Book, this year entitled 250 Innovative Ideas.

Made in Brunel is also an international event with partner universities from China, India, the USA, Canada and Mexico all sending teams of students to exhibit at the event.

To find out more about Made in Brunel and the remarkable students who put it together, visit www.madeinbrunel.com